I use the maps by downloading them and demonstrating them to my fellow players on my second screen which is on the table. The problem is that I can't change the map live here. I would like to be able to move the taskbars around the edges and drag them onto my main screen so I can add and remove stuff live in game. So I would no longer download the maps but let them play live on the website. You could add other live tools to this. Maybe even an extra mode for it, for example, where traps are invisible and become visible when you click on them, etc. Or imagine an enemie is dying and you can add a pool of blood to his place of death in a few seconds. Or a wall get broken by a spell and you can exchange it with a ruin. In other words, I want to be able to access all the tools that the editor offers during a game without taskbars on the same screen and maybe with some extra tools for a live game.