The Get Mati fingers request! Master classes have shown us how to break and combine stamps to make monster tokens and humanoid tokens. Now lets have a pack to fully enable it. Creating tokens that match the Inkarnate style perfectly. -Nose stamps to jut out from under hats. -Top down faces, arms, legs, and hands/feet. -Hair stamps that we can layover the face stamps to add hairstyles and details. -Assortment of clothes to dress up. Eye patches, hats, ties, capes and more. -Monster pieces! Legs, arms, claws, hair, fangs! Bulging veins. Mutations galor! -Torso types in different poses! Mid run, standing, hiding, crouching. -Non humanoid torso types! Dragons, lions, wolves, and other beasts of that nature. -HANDS This can be used, not just for making tokens but also for body parts and other little details to battlemaps. The possibilities go on and on! (and no more bread hands for Mati!)