First off, merry christmas and apologies for the timing of this post. So, this comes from a small conversation I already had and reported but thought would be better to fully document here rather than on a discord DM. Clipping masks seem to have some odd bugs. Bug #1 is that, when given certain size or height, they straight up disappear, as shown on the video below. Second bug is... harder to explain but in short clipping masks break their "position" and "clip elsewhere". This is only visible once the map has been rendered in higher resolutions (6-8k). The two images below are a screenshot in the editor (has the outside fully black) and the other is the image resulting of a render. The area with the clipping mask is just the cellar area. Link to clonable map is here EDIT: Forgot to add that screenshots and video of the first part of Bug #2. The entire area of 'inside' the marble walls is covered with clipping masks and there's not even a clipping mask outside that stable of that size.