I recently came across a bit of knowledge in school that is really interesting: Many of the Adobe Creative Cloud apps like Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign have a very helpful feature that tells you when you are using a color that cannot be printed. When you pick such a color, a little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark pops up in the color picker panel, and if you click on it, it takes you to the most similar color that will be printable. From what I learned, the reason some colors are not printable is due to their level of saturation, and I think brightness comes into play with that as well. Computer monitors are capable of displaying hues that no printer in the world can manage to reproduce exactly right. This is a very common issue in printing photography from what I hear. I was also surprised to learn darker colors are easier to print because all you need is more black ink to reproduce them. Anyhow, this brought me to think about how cool it would be if Inkarnate could do the same thing, that way we would know for sure if a color we are using in a map will render it unprintable and can only be used digitally.