Classic Battlemap Style
early access
Ingmar Gagen
A simple hand drawn classic battle map style like the ones seen in old adventure books. Monochrome with transparency for easy printing. Simple and easy to use.
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Is there any date or at least a timeline on when this style will be released. The available software options for this style of map are all subpar so it would be a great addition to inkarnate's spectrum and probably a reason for more users to purchase a pro license.
The thing with these canny requests is: They tend to be misleading - if a request has many votes, it is obviously popular. If it does not, that does not mean that it is not popular! For the most part, that only means that not many people noticed it.
early access
Merged in a post:
Classic Battlemap Release
Grumpy Dungeon master Christopher
I have personally been waiting for this release since it was teased years ago. I was told by a rep that it is in EA and won't be released because the community does not want it that much.
I am here to state that this is a highly wanted feature, especially from creators that currently do no use Inkarnate. It is highly desired and they are going elsewhere to find worse tools to make these maps.
A personal statement from myself as to why I want this style so much is that I do a yearly D&D Tournament for my LGS and a major issue for not having it this year was the cost
It costs 35 dollars per map and I needed two per table and had 15 tables.
The Classic Map style allows me to print it as a "blueprint" through the big office stores at 5 dollars a map. That's one of the reasons I tried to find a replacement for the classic map elsewhere, but they where either too clunky or did not have enough assets to use.
I am really looking forward to it and I know many other who are not deep in the Inkarnate community are wanting this feature as well.
It would be fantastic to get more momentum for this style.
If you like this style, share this link for people to upvote and show the team that this style (also great for blueprint style maps) is very much wanted.
Grumpy Dungeon master Christopher
SLMumby Didn't know I could do that, I have shared it where I can.