in progress
Ingmar Gagen
A marketplace where artists can share and sell their art assets for use on the Inkarnate platform. This will give artists the chance to monetize their creations, and users will have a much wider selection of content and art styles. This will greatly expand the capabilities of the platform.
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More storage (Paid/local/Partnerships)
After years of collecting stamps/textures etc I have thousands and no way to easily use them without switching items in and out. Forgotten Adventures stuff alone probably over 3000 stamps.
It would be nice to just use local disk space for stamps, but probably more feasible to either offer extra hosting space or partnering with a creator and giving access to the assets in a similar way most creators do with VTT hosting like forge, or patreon access.
We are in contact with several creators for them of offer their assets via a new Marketplace which work in progress, this will probably address your issue. - though additional custom asset limit is a separate request we have and consider.
I'll merge your request into the marketplace request
The Dungeon Madame
Merged in a post:
Asset Marketplace
Any word on this? I believe a marketplace (creators selling assets) was mentioned last summer.
The Dungeon Madame
We are working on a Marketplace, so in the kinda-near-no-specific-date future there will be a place to find custom assets!
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add a way to make assets in inkarnate
like a built in editor or smth, that would be cool, also maybe a community assets section where anyone can download other peoples assets, sound cool? yes it does, so do it. please. i cant pay for premium and need more things.
please guys, theres a serious lack of free assets.
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custom asset marketplace
it would be fabulous to have an in-house custom asset 'marketplace' similar to how we can explore and clone others' maps to see how certain things are done or to imitate effects/assets, where artists can submit custom assets and elect whether they would be free for use or whether they could be purchased -- whether through inkarnate itself or via linking offsite to personal patreons/payhips/ko-fis/whatever
This would be great, I hope this doesn't make the team focus less on adding new art though due to a lot of user-made content.
Ingmar Gagen
in progress