I have personally been waiting for this release since it was teased years ago. I was told by a rep that it is in EA and won't be released because the community does not want it that much.
I am here to state that this is a highly wanted feature, especially from creators that currently do no use Inkarnate. It is highly desired and they are going elsewhere to find worse tools to make these maps.
A personal statement from myself as to why I want this style so much is that I do a yearly D&D Tournament for my LGS and a major issue for not having it this year was the cost
It costs 35 dollars per map and I needed two per table and had 15 tables.
The Classic Map style allows me to print it as a "blueprint" through the big office stores at 5 dollars a map. That's one of the reasons I tried to find a replacement for the classic map elsewhere, but they where either too clunky or did not have enough assets to use.
I am really looking forward to it and I know many other who are not deep in the Inkarnate community are wanting this feature as well.